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니코틴아마이드 리보사이드(NR) - 암 위험, 뇌 전이 리스크


- 니코틴아마이드 리보사이드(NR)은 노화의 종말에서 소개한 장수 물질 중 하나임

- 최근 연구에 따르면, 니코틴아마이드 리보사이드(NR)의 보충은 암 위험과 뇌 전이 리스크를 크게 올릴 수 있다고 함

- 특히, 삼중음성유방암 (TNBC)의 발병 가능성이 높아지고, 뇌로의 전이 가능성이 매우 높아짐

- 이에 따라 유방암 고위험군에 해당하는 사람은 장수 물질 NR을 경계 하는 것이 필요할 듯



Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a form of vitamin B3 and is one of the most studied compounds for the restoration of cellular NAD+ levels demonstrating clinical potential in many metabolic and age-related disorders. Despite its wide commercial availability as a powerful nutraceutical, our understanding of NR uptake by different cells and tissues is greatly limited by the lack of noninvasive in vivo imaging tools limiting its clinical translation. Here, we report the development and validation of a bioluminescent NR uptake probe (BiNR) for non-invasive longitudinal imaging of NR uptake both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we optimized an assay that allows monitoring of NR flux without the need to transfect cells with the luciferase gene, enabling the use of the BiNR probe in clinical samples, as demonstrated with human T cells. Lastly, we used BiNR to investigate the role of NR uptake in cancer prevalence and metastases formation in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) animal model. Our results demonstrate that NR supplementation results in a significant increase in cancer prevalence and metastases of TNBC to the brain. These results outline the important role of powerful nutraceuticals like NR in cancer metabolism and the need to personalize their use in certain patient populations.


출처: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2022.114826






# 많은 사람들이 장수/회춘을 추구한다는 명분으로 NMN이나 NR을 분별 없이 복용하는 것으로 알고 있음..

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